Saturday, April 24, 2010

Interesting Comments About Bees

The amazing thing about all the bee products is that they help NORMALIZE the body functions. If one is too fat, they help normalize the weight. If one is too skinny, they help normalize the store of fat (some of which is essential and desirable).

Apiary products (I use all of them!) help regulate everything. Homeostasis is the word describing how our chemistry is constantly working to keep everything balanced between two extremes.

Health is really about energy. Where there is energy, activity, joy and rest, the body will heal and maintain itself beautifully. When distress comes our way, when we wander off into bad habits etc., disease is close by, but the apiary products always help us normalize our lifestyles if we have the determination to do so.

While the 'magic' is not necessarily in the products (as in specific chemicals to address specific conditions of imbalance) there is always a natural balance in Apiary Products that point us in the remedial direction, but it is our change of mindset, our hope, positive attitude and our defeat of the fears, that performs the greatest magic. It is indeed, our own inherent natural bodily functions that do the healing. We all have it! It was born in us! It is not necessary to import it from afar! It does not cost money nor is it scarce.

Anything stronger or more potent than what is found in nature will have a skull and crossbones on the label. These products may be dramatic in their effect, but tend to only perpetuate the lifestyle imbalances we have. The apiary products help us normalize our metabolism without massive swings back and forth across the centre line.

A fully energized body is the aim of our subconscious mind. A body full of energy cannot and will not harbor disease. The frequent use of apiary products will promote good energy production (from the food we eat) and that energy will heal us and keep us well. It matters little which disease, which organ, which symptom we have, a normalized metabolism and a healthy mindset will cure it! All chronic diseases are symptoms of low energy.

The Bee works for me.

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Welcome to the Wayne County Beekeepers Association, thank you for your comments. We're so happy you stopped by.